Take Paid Online Surveys. Earn Cash!

Making money with paid surveys is easy and fun!

Opnio.com is a top-paying survey panel site, paying between $3 to $5 for most surveys.

Fill out the form below And Start Making Money Today!


Membership is available to US residents only.

❗Remember to answer the target group information in your profile.

 First, you need to set up a profile that is individual to you, and it is important you do this carefully so we can find the right surveys for you. Once you have completed the profile, we will send an activation link to the address you use when you register at Opnio.com, and you’re ready to go! The more accurately you fill out your profile, the more survey invitations you will receive, and so, the more money or rewards you can earn!

Easy Way To Earn Money By Giving Your Opinion!

Answering surveys about products and services in a fun way, and get rewards for your contribution.

You can earn money or gift cards by taking surveys.

Fill out the form carefully and join Opnio.com, which is an esteemed panel where users may have an influence over new products and the development of future products.

You can earn money – up to $5 per online survey – so you can start building up a nice balance in no time. Your opinions are appreciated, and we want to reward you for sharing them.


Earn cash rewards and gift cards by completing simple online surveys.

Rewards include Amazon.com Gift Card option, GC Codes Gift Card as well as PayPal Cash.

Business man with dollars
Paypal logo

Paypal Cash Rewards

You can redeem Cash Rewards quickly and easily to your PayPal account. You must use the same email in your PayPal account as you’re using in Opinio.com. You can redeem money to your PayPal account after you’ve earned $10 or more.

GC Codes Gift Card

GC Codes-Gift Card

You can redeem an GCodes Gift Card when you’ve reached $10 . GCodes is a virtual gift code designed to allow users to deliver instant rewards.
Amazon.com Gift  Card

Amazon.com Gift Card

You can redeem an Amazon.com Gift Card when you’ve reached $10. You can use this card to purchase items from the comprehensive Amazon.com online store, which features items of all kinds from top brands.

Opinionapp logo

OpinionAPP: Surveys on your mobile device, anytime, anywhere

As soon as you’ve successfully created an account for Opinio.com, we recommend you install the OpinionApp application from Apple Store or Play Store. This gives you access to every paid survey at your fingertips with just one easy application.

With the help of OpinionApp, you can participate in all panels from the Cint corporation. So, you can accumulate some extra credits easily with one app, regardless of time and place, wherever and whenever you may be!

First, create an account at Opinio.com, confirm your account, answer the preliminary questions, install the application, and sign into the service with your credentials.

You can take surveys whenever and wherever!

Opnio.com pays hard cash via PayPal.

I found Opnio.com, and I have used my free time to take interesting online surveys from time to time.

While on my way to work on the bus, I often have some time to give my opinion on these surveys. I believe that I can make an impact. I have been satisfied with the swift pay-outs, and I have earned some hard cash with Opnio.com.

I installed the Opinionapp application, so I can take surveys wherever. Paid surveys are an effective way to earn some extra money. I recommend it to everyone!

Jonathan, California

Paid Online Surveys

Paid surveys are funded by different businesses and associations.

You’ll get rewarded when you take these surveys and share valuable information to businesses in the form of opinions. This is a convenient way to earn a little bit more money, so why sign up for some more extra earnings?

Participation in Opinio.com is entirely free, so why not start today!

We recommend that you fill out your personal profile carefully and answer the preliminary questions.

This way, we can direct paid surveys to you as much as possible!